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Rise And Fall Of Empires

Rise and fall of empires

History affords us a mosaic of human activity. The human civilization as we know it today appears to have evolved from the simple harpoons of the hunting bands to the…

Our Collective Psychopathology

Our collective psychopathology

Sigmund Freud contemplated a question of which I am reminded, as in the aftermath of the violent protests we witnessed last Friday. Freud wrote in Civilization and its Discontents: “But…

Gandhi And His Legacy

Gandhi and his legacy

Gandhi believed in a world where women were subservient and he viewed with suspicion the growing trend in the western world that had forced women to work instead of being…

Martyrdom Of Imam Hussain

Martyrdom of Imam Hussain

Human history is not only a story of the rise and fall of glorious civilizations, achievements and social evolution, it is also the story of ruthless suppressions, human tragedies and…