Remembrance or `zikr`
The word zikr has been used innumerable times in the Quran with various meanings. It can mean remembrance, or remembering God through the recitation or repetition of one or more…
The word zikr has been used innumerable times in the Quran with various meanings. It can mean remembrance, or remembering God through the recitation or repetition of one or more…
How to understand the Quran is an important question. Generally we pick and choose a verse to prove our point. Thus, many Muslims have different positions in understanding the verses…
INDEED, to reflect on Allah’s verses is a form of worship that will draw one close to Him. The Quran is not a book like any other; it is a…
Surah 96, verses 1-5, the first revelation received by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), links divine bounty to the human ability to read, write and to know. The passage states, “Read in…
The word jihad’s literal meaning is to strive for anything good, including striving for peace and the welfare of humanity. If Quranic verses are read with the Quran’s oft-repeated command…
At one level, much of the furore over the somewhat elliptically titled film Innocence of Muslims could be described as predictable. After all, we have seen it before. Coincidentally, it…
Traditional ulema have nearly always opposed social reform calling it un-Islamic. Many are able to mobilise support from static Muslim societies by quoting either certain selected Quranic verses or the…