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Economics And Politics Of Energy Imports

Economics and politics of energy imports

Pakistan is in the middle of a major socio-economic crisis because of the non-availability of electricity on a sustained and affordable basis. The crisis is basically caused by major gaps…

Economic Injustice

Economic injustice

The Baloch are feeling hard done by and are angry. The causes of their protest, if not distress, are historical and deeprooted; their significance should not be trivialised by arguing…

The Making Of An Asian Tiger

The making of an Asian tiger

The remarkable economic success of the ‘Asian Tigers’ (South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong) has long fascinated the world, Asia in particular. The Asian Tigers resurfaced during the May…

Eidee Given By New Govt

Eidee given by new govt

A belated Eid Mubarak from me to our readers, a delay that was necessitated as my column appears on Monday. The question for Pakistanis today is the eidee, if any,…

What’s Pakistan’s Fiscal Problem?

What’s Pakistan’s fiscal problem?

Pakistan's provinces where much of the welfare and infrastructure lies are all running balanced budget as required by the constitution - thank the Almighty. The federal government has obligations to…

Politically Correct But…

Politically correct but…

The federal government is all set to introduce a constitutional amendment bill to extend the system of representation of different regions in appointments – popularly known as the quota system…

State Of Higher Education

State of higher education

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) recently published a special report on ‘Higher Education in South Asia’. According to this report, higher education in South Asia is at a crossroads. Driven…