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From Tolerance To Extremism

From tolerance to extremism

TENSIONS soared in the town of Pangrio in Badin last week after some local Muslim residents objected to the burial of a Hindu man in a Muslim graveyard. After broadcasting…

Making Pakistan A ‘part Of The Solution’

Making Pakistan a ‘part of the solution’

Next week’s scheduled meeting between Nawaz and Obama in Washington, the first between them, will also be the first at that level between the two countries after about 18 months.…

Stability With Growth

Stability with growth

The stabilisation vs growth debate has been sparked by concerns that Pakistan is entering its sixth year of stagnating incomes and can no longer afford to tread the same path.…

‘The Woman Behind IT Revolution’

‘The woman behind IT revolution’

If seriousness and commitment on the part of Nawaz Sharif government is to be adjudged it should be done, inter alia, on the yardstick of achievements of Ministry of Information…

Smaller Dams

Smaller dams

Another year has passed without having achieved any significant progress on the construction of a number of small and medium-sized dams planned across the country. Twelve small multi-purpose dams were…

Flawed Decisions

Flawed decisions

On October 4, complying with the commitments made to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) under its Extended Fund Facility (EFF), the Cabinet Committee on Privatisation (CCP) approved the privatisation of…

Hundred Days Of Economic Management

Hundred days of economic management

During the five-year tenure of the PPP-led government, loadshedding became rampant affecting the productive activities and daily lives of people, growth rate declined to an annual rate only slightly higher…

On The Slide

On the slide

The competitiveness of Pakistan’s economy is on the slide. In 2007-08, the country`s position on the global competitiveness index (GCI) drawn up by the World Economic Forum was 92nd, which…