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Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Light at the end of the tunnel

Carefully formulated, effectively implemented and vigorously monitored plan is a panacea for reeling economy. It is heart-rending to note that the planning process in Pakistan has been a superficial, rather…

Ignored Ground Realities

Ignored ground Realities

An investment's incentives scheme announced by the Prime Minister on November 29 has caused a stir in the business community; it prompted accolades as well as criticism, which forced the…

The Sit-in

The sit-in

To be certain, the PTI’s sit-ins have absolutely nothing to do with the blocking of Nato supply because sit-ins are not required to block NATO supply routes (all that is…

Law And Espionage

Law and espionage

Thereis something very blasé about American officials’ excuses about the United States monitoring phone calls of 35 world leaders including those of a trusted ally — Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel.…

An Environment For Education

An environment for education

Pakistan’s youth bulge could be considered its biggest strength. However, we are far from figuring out how to educate them. Only one in 12 can go for higher education due…

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy

Pakistan is facing numerous challenges, topmost of which is the shortage of electricity as it is affecting every walk of life in the country. The businesses are unable to function…

Cities Can Save Us

Cities can save us

Recent research shows many reasons why city development is at the heart of progress, growth and development. All major scientific, social, political, economic and technological innovations have taken place in…

Towards The Demise Of The Commonwealth

Towards the demise of the Commonwealth

Officially, the main focus of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) held in the Sri Lankan capital on November 15-17 was ‘growth with equity: inclusive development’. At the conclusion…

Fiddling With The Economy

Fiddling with the economy

That the bureaucrat lack imagination has been a given with us in the country. If the bureaucracy is weak in the head that is mentally capable of performing for this…