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Obama’s Burma Policy Slips

Obama’s Burma policy slips

BARACK Obama’s policy of ‘pragmatic engagement’ with the Burmese military junta is in danger of falling apart as the generals press ahead with plans for elections later this year from…

Smokers’ Corner

Smokers’ Corner

By studying the electoral history of Karachi and Lahore, one can largely ascertain the general political and ideological mood of Pakistan’s urban bourgeoisie and petty-bourgeoisie. In 1970 when the country…

The Folly Of Hot Pursuit

The folly of hot pursuit

From the American perspective, nothing is going right in Afghanistan. The general public demonstrated its indifference towards the Afghan-sponsored parliamentary elections: only 3.6 million voters turned out to vote against…

Return Of Qadri

Return of Qadri

Few would have taken notice of 'Sheikhul Islam' Allama Tahirul Qadri's public meeting at the Minar-i-Pakistan had he not managed to put on as impressive a show as he did.…

Talking With The Enemy

Talking with the enemy

In more than a decade-long conflict between the Pakistani state and the Al-Qaeda and its inspired local militants, the initiative undoubtedly has fallen into the hands of the extremists. They…

The Worst Is Still To Come

The worst is still to come

With the fifth most turbulent year (2012) in Pakistan’s economic history drawing to a close yesterday, the year 2013 has just begun. Far from being a fresh start, there are…

Performance Or…

Performance or…

On the 27th of December, 2012, Benazir Bhutto's fifth death anniversary, a major political event took place with Bilawal Bhutto Zardari addressing those who came to pay their respects to…

The Democrats’ Duty

The democrats’ duty

While the decision by quite a few parties to take a common stand against those who are obviously out to scuttle the boat of democracy is something to be welcomed,…