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The Saviour Delusion

The saviour delusion

In terms of our national consciousness three trends seem to be ascendant: we have lost faith in the ability of individuals to possess integrity or be guided by principles, firm…

Mischief Is Afoot

Mischief is afoot

“Now let it work. Mischief, thou art afoot, Take thou what course thou wilt!” — Shakespeare The ungainly and unnecessary controversies over arrangements for the general election and the arguments…

Cold Evenings Made Emptier Still

Cold evenings made emptier still

How does one inform the great Pakistani masses, the awam of political discourse, that as they play their juvenile games, obsessed with problems of the faith and the prospects of…

Enter Through The Narrow Gate

Enter through the narrow gate

“The sun came up upon the left, out of the sea came he! And he shone bright, and on the right went down into the sea.” Thus began the southward…

Death Of A NAB Officer

Death of a NAB officer

The rental power plants (RPPs) scam took a tragic turn last Friday when Kamran Faisal, a National Accountability Bureau officer investigating the case, was found dead in his official residence…

Shrinking Political Space

Shrinking political space

The speeches in praise of each other, after the four days of the ‘fake march’ exposed the reality of status quo politics today. It was insincerity at its best. In…

Tough Lessons

Tough lessons

Watching the bizarre events in Pakistan over the last few days, I believe it is true: there are always two sides to a story, two ways of looking at the…

Jobs For Votes

Jobs for votes

As the story goes, a distant relation of a nawab once begged him for a job. The nawab, in his infinite generosity appointed him head of the treasury. When it…

New Bailout Package

New bailout package

The government, at the fag end of its tenure, has reportedly invited International Monetary Fund (IMF) for negotiating a three-year bailout programme. It is a rather surprising move, especially its…

End Of A Dream

End of a dream

So it was not to be. Not because the people of the city were cruel – shehr ke log zaalim na thay – but because they were just indifferent. They…