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Tough Tasks Ahead

Tough tasks ahead

When the present parliament ends its term tonight, the tenure of the government will also be over and the focus will shift to the elections and then the challenges facing…

The Long Shadow Of Afzal Guru

The long shadow of Afzal Guru

When Afzal Guru was hanged secretly last month in Tihar Jail, Indian officials claimed that it was a simple case of the law taking its course and that politics had…

Anything Is Possible

Anything is possible

Remember military dictator Oliver Cromwell telling the members of the Rump Parliament on April 20, 1653, “You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately. Depart,…

Viewpoint: Nomination Forms

Viewpoint: Nomination Forms

Just days before the end of its term, the Zardari government locked horns with the Election Commission of Pakistan over amendments to nomination forms. The PML-N too has been expressing…

Murder Of A Tamil Child

Murder of a Tamil child

India has failed to fashion a coherent, balanced and self-confident response to its turbulent neighbourhood. Leave aside Pakistan, India’s policy towards Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Myanmar and Nepal looks confused,…

The PPP’s Trump Card

The PPP’s trump card

What’s the PPP’s trump card as it goes into the upcoming elections? The Sindh card? Not really. The PPP government’s performance during the last five years? Not in the slightest.…

Russia`s Rise

Russia`s rise

Obsessed as it is by `the rise of China`, the United States has been rather indifferent to the steady deterioration of its relations with Russia. Come to think of it,…

Dual Nationality

Dual nationality

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is engaged in drafting and seeking approval where required, of a set of rules for prospective candidates, some based on court decisions, for the…

Life And Literature

Life and literature

FOR five days in the month that ends today a fairly large number of Pakistanis had the opportunity of looking at themselves through the glasses of quite a few worthy…