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A Woman Empowered, Empowering Others

A woman empowered, empowering others

Women contributions to the economy are typically understated in most countries as quantifying the contribution of a housewife remains a challenge for national data collectors but those women engaged in…

‘The Woman Behind IT Revolution’

‘The woman behind IT revolution’

If seriousness and commitment on the part of Nawaz Sharif government is to be adjudged it should be done, inter alia, on the yardstick of achievements of Ministry of Information…

Cost Of Life Of A Woman

Cost of life of a woman

ON March 23, a day for soul-searching, two professional bodies working for women’s health highlighted an issue that is fundamental to our survival and progress, namely, population planning. They got…

We, the 1.21pc

I BELONG to Pakistan’s 75-plus age group. According to the 2017 census, my contemporaries, who were born in 1944 or earlier, constitute only 1.21pc of the total population of this…

Why women march

Aurat March is coming, and so is the never-ending process of trolling and vitriol against it. It has been discussed innumerable times what Aurat March does not stand for. We…

Flying high in the ad world

IN a recent ad on television, a grandmother wants her granddaughter to get engaged so it provides an excuse to hold a celebration in the family. Upon being told that…

The other half

Her energy is the tip of the iceberg, and yet she remains the most underrated and underutilised part of human capital in Pakistan. Even today, there remains a big question:…

Violence against women

The horrific assault faced by a woman at Greater Allama Iqbal Park in the middle of Lahore at the hands of hundreds of men was shocking. The woman was publicly…

The Mughal feminist

IT is the princesses and queens that get top billing. We know about the intelligence of the inimitable Nur Jehan, who assisted her husband in the management of a vast…