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Where women get a lifeline

A majority of poor women in Pakistan have a faint hope of living a better life. If they suffer from a disease that carries some stigma, their lives become even…

Missing women

The 19-member cabinet of the newly elected government, which was formed on the heels of International Women’s Day (March 8), has only one woman (that too not as a federal…

Investing in women

In the milieu of global challenges, where climate change looms large and economic inequality still exists, there is a pressing need for innovative solutions to address these issues and foster…

Invest in women

On March 8, the world observed International Women’s Day (IWD), which honours the social, economic, cultural, and political accomplishments of women. The day also serves as an annual opportunity to…

Why should women march?

“Kuch Log Tumhay Samjhayein Gey/ Wo Tum Ko Khaof Dilayein Gey/ Jo Hai Wo Bhi Kho Sakta Hai/ Is Rah Mein Rehzan Hain Itnay/ Kuch Aur Yahan Ho Sakta Hai”…

Invest in women for progress

The theme of International Women's Day 2024 is ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress’ which is being celebrated to emphasize and highlight the importance of empowering women for development and prosperity.…

Morocco law reform offers hope for women’s rights

Two decades after a landmark but limited revision of Morocco’s family law marked a breakthrough for women, activists hope new reforms will defy Islamist objections and provide greater equality. The…

Women in the workforce

The basic pillar of any nation’s survival and for its pulse to breathe is a stable and thriving economy. A robust economy can help any nation progress and stabilize itself…

When women succeed, Pakistan succeeds

Within the intricate tapestry of Pakistan’s socioeconomic context, the position and influence of women have always been characterized by inadequate representation and marginalisation. Nevertheless, a significant change has occurred in…