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Amusing ourselves to death

The late cultural critic Neil Postman, in his book ‘Amusing Ourselves to Death’ (1985), warned of a society losing its capacity for rational discourse, succumbing to a culture dominated by…

Digital graveyard

ARBITRARY network shutdowns and slow internet speeds have been the defining feature of 2024. The ever-revolving circle on the screen harks back to the dial-up days, where one would hear a cacophony…

Failing to get along

It was an empty relationship. She just does not understand. He just does not listen. There were just too many differences. There was too much interference. He was too petty.…

Pakistan’s ‘brain rot’

We are increasingly living in a post-truth world. But what does it mean? Well, Oxford Dictionaries define it “as relating to and denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less…

Our own PTSD

I AM proposing a new ailment unique to Pakistanis: Perpetual-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I am not making light of our situation. On the contrary, I’m asking we recognise how this PTSD…

Defeating fascism

Pakistan’s politics remains a vicious circle degrading with each rotation. The 2014 horror movie was re-run this week. Fascist hordes descended once again upon D-Chowk in a paralysed Islamabad amidst…

At the crossroads

THE girl never existed. The rape never happened. But thousands marched. Even the HRCP couldn’t find ‘forensic evidence and credible testimonies’ to back the allegations, but the damage had already…

Cyber sovereignty

FOR a modern society, the intersection of rights and governance in the digital sphere should become an area of pressing concern. As scholar Evgeny Morozov observes, “the internet is a…

The ‘Trump card’

Close. Neck to neck. Touch and go. These were the general comments till the last vote was cast on 5th November in the US Presidential Elections 2024. Voters have a…