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Retrieving Swiss Money

Retrieving Swiss money

According to Business Reorder of July 8, 2014, the Chairman of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) is likely to lead a delegation to Switzerland from August 26-28, 2014 to "re-negotiate…

The Swiss Accounts

The Swiss accounts

While the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) is being continuously targeted for not taking action against tax evaders, it must be mentioned that some officers have been trying their best…

Swiss Cases

Swiss cases

A Supreme Court bench has asked Justice (retd) Aqil Mirza, who resigned as federal law secretary last week, to appear on Friday to answer certain questions relating to reopening of…

The Swiss Conundrum

The Swiss conundrum

Write the letter, don’t write the letter, write the letter, don’t write the letter … Sit down with a flower and pluck at its petals and if you’re name isn’t…

Bring Back Swiss Bank Money

Bring back Swiss bank money

THIS is not grandma’s prescription. It is plain common sense. Whenever you are hard up you reach for the money you have hidden.

Those Recalcitrant Swiss

Those recalcitrant Swiss

The results of a survey that asks respondents what is the first thing that comes to mind if Switzerland is mentioned would vary markedly depending on the sample selected. Cheese…

German-Swiss Pact On Hidden Accounts

German-Swiss pact on hidden accounts

The PPP government has no intention to renegotiate the existing tax treaty with the Swiss government as has been done by a number of countries including India, to retrieve billions…