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Reforming agricultural sector

Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy. Unfortunately, for long it has been neglected by successive governments. This could not build up the resilience needed in this sector, for sustainably…

The rise of private capital

The much-vaunted Naya Pakistan Sehat Card initiative has been launched in Punjab with tall claims that it would benefit the underprivileged. Prime Minister Imran Khan has asserted that this Rs400…

Fiscal policy and economic growth

Fiscal policy is an important tool of modern governments to steer economy in right direction. All governments, specially in emerging markets, endeavour to align their fiscal policies in the manner…

Can the state do business?

We are often told that it is not the job of the state to do business. This ‘mantra’ is constantly repeated by pro-free market economists and other experts who consider…

The strategy

It is true that fire-fighting the urgent instead of overcoming the fundamental issues gnawing at the economy takes centre stage in the economic management of Pakistan. Correcting the fundamentals of…

EAC: Some suggestions

The government has formed a high-level council – Economic Advisory Council (EAC) – to formulate long-, medium- and short-term plans for important sectors of the economy with a view to…

The void

The void I want to talk about is the global ideological void, which is assuming serious proportions. This is why the world seems adrift, searching for a new justification to…