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Lives versus livelihoods

The great dilemma for all governments in the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic is how to balance lives versus livelihoods. This dilemma is particularly acute for countries such as Pakistan,…

The coronavirus pandemic, clerics, and terrorism

The whole ongoing kerfuffle about how to combat the coronavirus pandemic is not unique to Pakistan. Even the developed world is groping its way through the fog of incomprehension, misconception…

Will they…?

A new phase, a new reality. The virus is there to stay for sometime. Sometime can be spent on being locked down or locked in, but, not for long. Countries…

Amazon hit from all sides as crisis

As Amazon becomes an increasingly important lifeline in the pandemic crisis, it is being hit with a wave of criticism from activists, politicians and others who question the tech giant’s…

Food security in the age of Covid-19

There never was any lockdown in the country’s agricultural sector. And from the way the NCC and NCOC have been carrying out, their respective efforts over the last two months…