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GB: a dream unfulfilled

ON Nov 1, the people of Gilgit-Baltistan celebrate their independence day. The latter marks the day on which the Gilgit Scouts led by their local officers ousted the Dogra rulers…

A dangerous thaw

GOVERNANCE in Pakistan, like the Arctic icecap, is melting. Its fragments are collapsing into an ocean of incompetence. Socio-geologists detect signs of an irreversible change in our political climate. Many…

Remove the misconceptions on CPEC

The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has been a subject of controversy and misgivings since its inception, notwithstanding the fact that it offers tremendous and equal business and strategic opportunities…

Provisional status

LAST year, after a high-profile meeting on the status of Gilgit-Baltistan, Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed told the media that all political parties had agreed on a provisional provincial status…

Imran Khan vs Ziaul Haq?

Some of the more effusive opponents of the current regime are prone to exaggeration. A most amusing bit of hyperventilation is when some claim with great confidence that the current…

Reckoning with India

It is not unusual for retired civil servants to reflect on the past. In a recent interview to an Indian journalist, however, former diplomat Abdul Basit Khan has twisted facts,…

Vote for integration

IT was only 24 years after Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) acceded unconditionally to Pakistan that the government in 1971-72, led by the PPP, deliberated on the issue of determining the area’s status.…

How to hold a grand national dialogue

A grand national dialogue is an urgent imperative because the institutional arrangements designed to serve the people of Pakistan have now become so heavily burdened with the animus of individual…

GB’s long struggle

HARDLY any government can ignore Gilgit-Baltistan’s loud demand for integration with Pakistan. GB is a case study of a region denied its political rights for decades. Since independence from Kashmir’s…

GB: elections and leadership

For the sake of Pakistan, the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir have made tremendous sacrifices and have kept alive, with their blood, the freedom movement for their emancipation…