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[ Book review] A process without a product

I enjoy reading political treatises by Pakistani authors. They are insightful and describe what is behind the scenes. Many are also well researched but are often based on secondary sources.…

Policy rate: a cut is likely?

Despite a decline in inflation, overall costs are still growing this year in comparison to prior years. Regarding inflation, let me remind everyone that core inflation is not the benchmark…

Mehrjui and Iranian cinema ( Part – II )

In Mehrjui’s film ‘Gaav’, Masht Hassan – a peasant in an isolated village – has a close relationship with his cow, which is his only possession and the sole cow…

Mehrjui and Iranian cinema ( Part – I )

One of the founding fathers of Iranian New Wave cinema, Dariush Mehrjui, and his writer wife, Vahidea Mohammadi, lost their lives in a knife attack in Tehran on Oct 14,…

The profundity of feedback loop

Since time immemorial, decision-making has been based on a number of factors, the most important being the feedback loop. Decision-making governs every aspect of life - from birth to death…

PTI needs to introspect about its own motives

PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) may be ready for the elections but the real question is whether the party is ready for governance. The question is: Does it have the capacity and…

Lack of prudent macroeconomic policies

“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design” — Friedrich von Hayek Pakistan is facing a…