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Commercializing research

A study of Scopus, the world’s most comprehensive, multidisciplinary database of scholarly literature, data, and analytics reveals astonishingly positive figures about the progress made in the quality and quantum of…

Let’s save a library

The cost of ignorance in some societies is more than the value they put in acquiring knowledge. If you doubt this statement, just have a look at how many libraries…

Navigating economic diplomacy–I

Spiraling electricity bills and the resulting unbearable burden on the ordinary consumers has brought the agreements with the IPPs under renewed focus and the entire blame for the woes of…

Square peg, round hole

Pakistan’s present economic and social machinery from IPPs to BISP lies littered with good intentions gone bad. Giles Firmin’s ‘The Real Christian’ has a line which fits us like a…

The AGI threat

Are machines capable of human-like thinking and being a boon for humanity, or do they pose an existential threat? In a recent interview, CEO of OpenAI Sam Altman mentioned his…

Planet vs plastic

Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22 to highlight the environmental issues that are eating away our planet slowly and gradually. The theme for Earth Day 2024, celebrated…