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Public debt distress

The unprecedented fiscal firepower used to protect the vulnerable from the harsh socio-economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting economic contraction have pushed the average government debt level…

Hands off our public holiday, cry angry Danes

The Danish government’s plan to abolish a public holiday to help fund the defence budget amid the war in Ukraine is putting Denmark’s cherished welfare model at risk, the country’s…

What is the One Percent Republic?

Last week, Dr Miftah Ismail initiated an important debate by terming Pakistan a “One percent Republic” – a society that works for the few and reproduces elite privilege over time.…

Today’s Imran Khan supporter

Many have been taken by surprise by the resonance of former prime minister Imran Khan’s blistering political attacks ever since he realised that he was toast. Though he lost the…

Public justice

It is not often that one speech urging the creation of a national public interest law firm, driven by seasoned trial lawyers, would move from words to deeds, from oratory…