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Political arena

The Prime Minister has written a letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly to take steps for making electoral reforms. It is a step in the aftermath of recent…

Poverty of political discourse

IN Pakistan’s deeply polarised and fraught environment the tone and content of political discourse has plunged to a level not witnessed before. Political conduct may not have been polite in…

Battle of rival memories

THE Nakba is to the Palestinians what the Holocaust is to the Jews. There is a difference though. Nobody in their senses would deny the horrors inflicted on European Jews…

Political polarization

Somalia is in a political crisis. For the first time in the country’s recent history, the four-year mandate of Parliament and the executive has expired without the selection – or…

The political chessboard

POLITICS is a war of nerves and political battles can result in terrible mistakes. What happened in the NA-75 by-election last week shows how one incident can unravel politics in…

Pakistan’s angry political culture

THE political culture of a country always evolves. But not necessarily in a positive direction. As elsewhere in the world, politics in Pakistan has long had unseemly dimensions. Political leaders…