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Will Sharif Win The Political Battle?

Will Sharif win the political battle?

As the start of the GT Road rally, Nawaz Sharif seemed cautious probably because of a perceived lower turnout, but as he moved towards Lahore and the number of participants…

Political Crisis

Political crisis

The parliamentary system in the UK is in logjam. The government, even with its bought-and-paid-for majority, is so unstable that it announced a two-year parliamentary session and is considering lengthening…

Demystifying Political Representation

Demystifying political representation

Political representation is one of the most elusive concepts in political science literature, with many facets and theoretical complexities. Scholars have employed a wide variety of theories and methodologies to…

Political Temperature On The Rise

Political temperature on the rise

Is the political tempo on the rise due to domestic and regional issues making headlines, especially the feverish activity at the level of centre-province relations as well as at the…

Decline Of Political Parties

Decline of political parties

The apparent consensus among the major political parties against the democratic structuring of their organisations is one of the main reasons for people’s progressive alienation from democratic politics. It is…

The 2016 Political Calendar

The 2016 political calendar

Time is tenseless. Calendars are an illusion. Events don’t follow schedules. They happen regardless of the hour. But even then the human need to pin planning to dates and create…

Confused Political Preferences

Confused political preferences

PILDAT’s recent report on governance in Pakistan at the provincial and federal levels reaches some interesting conclusions. Out of a pool of over 3,000 respondents the respective provincial respondents concluded…

Into The Political Thicket

Into the political thicket

Among the many problems that afflict us, two are particularly vexatious. One, whether it is individuals or institutions, we seem less interested in doing our own job and more interested…