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Women and political inequality

GENDER inequality takes a variety of forms in Pakistan, but a fundamental one — and one whose rectification may help address all other variants as well — is political inequality.…

Political morality

THERE’S no denying the economic collapse under the PTI, or the capitulation of all parties that squandered the opportunity for a democratic corrective by passing the amendment to the Army…

Pakistan’s angry political culture

THE political culture of a country always evolves. But not necessarily in a positive direction. As elsewhere in the world, politics in Pakistan has long had unseemly dimensions. Political leaders…

Political dilemmas

THE evolving political situation in the country confronts both the government and opposition with difficult dilemmas. The decisions that followed the PDM’s Lahore rally and the atmosphere its combative campaign has created…

Sindh’s Political Temperature

Sindh’s political temperature

The PPP leadership is confident about its development work in Sindh and believes that the party will be rewarded with another electoral victory. In an attempt to sell Sindh as…

The Age Of Political Essentialism

The age of political essentialism

One would have thought the divisive political discourse that prevailed before Election 2018 would gradually phase out after the polls. But the polarisation between the supporters and opponents of the…

India’s Politics Of Indifference

India’s politics of indifference

Indian politicians seem to have been gripped by an anti-Pakistan frenzy once again. In a statement two days ago, BJP leader and Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh accused Pakistan of…

Our Political Future

Our political future

In my last article, ‘One hundred days’ published in these pages on June 12, I had argued that the PTI’s ‘100 days’ plan lacks economic strategy as it lumped together…

Religious And Political Books

Religious and political books

It is the sacred month of Ramazan and we have entered the second phase leading towards its completion. Many books have been published on religious matters and I would like…