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The age of spectacles

If nothing else, the ruling party is keeping us all entertained in these depressing days of a global pandemic. In the first fortnight of the month of May, the PTI…

The Decent Protester

The decent protester

The Decent Protester, appropriately capitalised and revered is, from the outset, one who does not protest. It is an important point: to protest in the visage of such a person…

Poetry in the dark

THE UK last week celebrated national poetry day — an annual celebration of poetry with the aim of attracting new audiences to the genre. Newspapers were filled with famous verse…

Fake News

Fake news

Political communication has a new tool. The new tool is: fake news. The medium: conventional as well as the social media. The users of this new tool are: the government,…

Shut Up And Listen

Shut up and listen

Search any website. Read any book. Pick up any media journal. Every piece of advice on the subject of leadership communication has one strong message to deliver: shut up, dial…

Autocracy on the march

The portents point to an overwhelming march towards autocracy. A country in the throes of unremitting crises in the political, economic and social fields will inevitably give rise to opposition…

Reimagining our foreign policy

The world is undergoing rapid transformation, with emerging alliances and a shift towards a multipolar world order. These changes are evident on both regional and international scales. The ongoing conflict…

What about Punjab’s right to know?

Citizens as architects of the democratic system maintain a pivotal position for participating in governance processes and by the same virtue for validating the efficacy of adopted processes and ultimately…