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Betraying Fata reforms

The introduction of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Act 2020 in the former Fata districts has intensified the debate on Fata’s reforms, which were initiated three years ago…

From FCR to ADR

Since Independence, the erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) were governed through the draconian Frontier Crimes Regulation, 1905. Until repealed in 2018, the FCR was not only quoted as ‘incompatible…

Among the best

“I hope you will write an obituary when I die,” Omar Khan Afridi once requested. He knew that I like writing obituaries about people I know – irrespective of the…

Hub of peace

Recently, via the platform of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Defence, I had availed the opportunity to visit North Waziristan, adjacent to the Afghan border. This mountainous region, with…

Between Myth And Reality

Between myth and reality

Nine months after the 25th Amendment effectively ended the Fata status and started a new era of reforms and merger with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the prospects for democratic, prosperous, liberal and…

Integrating Fata

Integrating Fata

The long-awaited Fata merger with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is delayed yet again. Although there is a near-total consensus among the people – from the tribal areas and their cousins in the…

Fata Merger: The Clock Is Ticking

Fata merger: the clock is ticking

Keeping Fata isolated in the shackles of the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) and preventing or delaying its mainstreaming is one of our strategic blunders. The current law and order situation…

Will Fata Be Lost To History Again?

Will Fata be lost to history again?

In the 1800s, the area previously known as Fata was strategically nestled between Afghanistan and the British Empire. These were the days of the Great Game – a chess match…

Fata After The UDHR

Fata after the UDHR

Besides the doctrine of vicarious liabilities, across the globe every person is only responsible for his acts and omissions; this is the universal principle on which all the civilised nations…

Dawn Of A New Era

Dawn of a new era

The holy month of Ramazan this year has brought special blessings to the people of the tribal areas – and the whole country. Unlike the past practices of Mufti Munib-ur-Rehman…