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Deja vu

“In vain, in vain - the all-composing hour resistless falls; the Muse obeys the power” – Dunciad. The Dunciad, Alexander Pope’s epic poem, depicts the literary culture of 18th-century London.…

Capital suggestion: Oil of the future

The first oil well that launched the modern oil industry was drilled in Pennsylvania in 1859. Copper is the ‘oil of the future’. Copper is an excellent conductor of electricity.…

Bias and recusal

JUDICIAL recusal has become the talk of the town in the context of high-profile Supreme Court cases. Otherwise seen as safeguarding judicial independence, ‘recusal’ has become a political tool to…

Unintended consequences

The dust has settled on the American midterm elections. It was widely expected the Republican Party would make major gains, as has been typical of past elections when one party…

PML-N versus PML-N

The markedly different perceptions of the state of the Pakistan economy today between PML-N’s stopgap finance Minister Miftah Ismail (stopgap as his appointment both times was subject to Ishaq Dar’s…

After the midterms

The results of the US midterm elections 2022 are a mixed bag for both Republicans and Democrats. Republicans are heading towards a thin majority in the House of Representatives and…