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New Challenges And Possibilities

New challenges and possibilities

On becoming president of the US, Donald Trump took a tough line and used harsh and inappropriate language against Pakistan while announcing his Afghanistan Policy. On the other hand, he…

Delhi Diary

Delhi diary

After subsisting in a safari park zoo-like condition for nearly twelve weeks, I was filled with a little presumptuous feeling of optimism while taking leave. Although the reason for this…

The state’s new enemies

THE other day President Donald Trump took away the White House press card of a CNN journalist. The journalist, Jim Acosta, had simply asked Trump why he described as an…

New Engine, Old Rails

New engine, old rails

Between Ghalib and Iqbal, we picked Iqbal as our national poet. Iqbal belongs to us more, but in many ways our national situation reflects habits of the great poet from…

India’s state elections: a new beginning?

The recent elections in five Indian states – Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Telangana, and Mizoram – have somewhat paused the Hindutva tide for the first time since Prime Minister Modi…

Fifth Column: The New Point Man

Fifth column: The new point man

The Indian government has finally appointed an ‘interlocutor’ on Kashmir. This is a slight departure of sorts as the BJP government has consistently refused any form of conciliatory engagement with…

Old Battles, New Tactics

Old battles, new tactics

One step forward, two steps back. That’s how one can sum up the endless saga of India-Pakistan engagement – in six words. If hopeless romantics like us on both sides,…