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Deal of cooperation

Two and a half thousand years ago, the great philosopher of ancient Taxila belonging to present-day Pakistan, Kautilya Chanakya had stated that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.…

Laser Weapons Edge Toward Use In US Military

Laser weapons edge toward use in US military

A sci-fi staple for decades, laser weapons are finally becoming reality in the US military, albeit with capabilities a little less dramatic than at the movies. Lightsabers - the favoured…

Operations And Empires

Operations and empires

Some events are so intriguing that you’re impelled to sit back and reflect on them. The news of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s “whimpering and crying” death is one…

Military expenditure and global poverty

In 2018 India incurred a colossal $66.5 billion in military expenditure as compared to a lowly $11.4 billion by Pakistan the same year rejecting the notion that the latter was…

Civil-military power matrix

SECURITY briefings for a newly elected prime minister may not be unprecedented, but the excitement over Imran Khan’s intensive parleys at GHQ and the ISI headquarters certainly are. Our hyper-animated…

Military ‘justice’

LAST month, the Peshawar High Court set aside the convictions of over 70 people who were tried by military courts on various terrorism-related charges. The court ordered their release after…

Courting the military

IT is time to bemoan the failure of our legal system yet again. Not because of the change at the Supreme Court but because the first extension given to the…

Time To End The Military Courts

Time to end the military courts

The basis of how we should judge whether a policy is working or not is to ask a simple question: “what was the original objective or purpose of this policy?”…