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Restoring trust

Last week, Los Angeles hosted the Summit of the Americas amid a thorny period between the governments of the region. While long-running tensions over which countries were invited to attend…

Economic suicide

Suicide is “death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die”. Pakistan’s politics is killing Pakistan’s economy. As per the World Bank report tilted ‘Pakistan@100: Shaping the Future’, “Pakistan…

National Covid-19 Commission

I AM proposing the setting up of a ‘National Covid-19 Commission’. Why? The rearview mirror is an important metaphor for learning and planning. “We drive into the future using only…

Mobile broadband emerging as life-saving technology?

Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc across the board with mobile services, especially mobile broadband emerging as a lifesaving technology. However, given the economic climate, relief to the common man to…

Vaccinating against corruption

More than 7,000 participants across the globe spent the week (Nov. 30 to Dec. 5, 2020), virtually listening to 500 anti-corruption experts at the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) in Seoul,…

Breaking the monopoly

This month, the world could have been celebrating the waning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead, vaccine apartheid and restricted production continue to fuel the spread of the coronavirus. A year…

Nothing but politics

For years, women in Afghanistan demanded to be part of the peace process, organizing their own forums to chart an inclusive path to peace. Instead, the US, the Afghan government,…

Immigrant rights

Republican officials in Texas are celebrating a major political win after successfully suing the federal government over the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA has been a GOP…

In memoriam

Dr John C Martin, former chairman and CEO of Gilead Sciences, Inc, passed away on March 30 in California at the age of 70. A true innovator, John transformed Gilead…

Vaccine woes

On the anniversary of the United Kingdom’s first lockdown of the coronavirus pandemic, as candles were lit in doorways and the country mourned 125,000 deaths, the prime minister was in…