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Pick and choose

JUSTICE Ayesha Malik has been elevated to the Supreme Court. She is the first woman to have been chosen for the highest judicial forum in the country, and she fully…

Budget 2017-18: In the same old mould!

Majority of the Pakistanis would certainly be dejected after hearing the budget speech of Ishaq Dar today (May 26, 2017). Not because there will be no relief for the poor…

Law of binding precedents – II

Binding principles for high courts: Under Article 201 of Constitution subject to Article 189 any decision of High Court shall, to the extent that it decides a question of law or…

There’s need for new tax model

The outdated and oppressive tax structures at federal and provincial levels, wasteful expenses, mounting debt servicing and annual tax expenditure of over Rs one trillion have created fiscal instability since…

Rethinking executions

THE recent acquittal of a murder convict after 28 years in jail reflects the failure of our criminal justice system. The Supreme Court declared the convict was a juvenile at…

Judging without law

“A judge trying to do justice by ignoring or disregarding the law does so at the peril of shaking the very foundation of the judicial system itself as such an…

Recusal and refusal

In 2004, the late US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia went duck-hunting with the then vice president, Dick Cheney. A few weeks prior, the Supreme Court had agreed to hear…

Draft law of National Tax Tribunal – I

"...the raison d'être of establishing special tribunals has been to dispense better quality of justice where people, better trained in particular fields and disciplines could provide quality decisions and resolution…

Stay of recovery in tax matters – I

In tax disputes the principles relating to stay of recovery in appropriate cases with or without condition, whether provided statutorily or as a matter of inherent jurisdiction, are well-established. The…

Police Reforms

Police reforms

Police reforms have been an important topic of discussion in the country, in an attempt to prevent crime as well as prevent police brutality in violation of the fundamental human…