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Jailed in India: Part – II

In February 2021, India’s Enforcement Directorate launched raids on eight locations associated with Newsclick. The raid on Prabir’s house lasted for 113 hours. It was a grueling process, the agents…

Supreme mess

FOR decades now, the Supreme Court of Pakistan has been lecturing everyone about the importance of sticking to the letter and spirit of the law, of democratising decision-making within institutions,…

India through the years: Part – VIII

One of the most remarkable meetings I had in India in 1984 was with comrade Somnath Chatterjee of the CPI-M, who had been an MP since 1971. He was quite…

India through the years – Part VI

Although the state of emergency in India made Indira Gandhi extremely unpopular, she still decided to hold elections in March 1977, released political prisoners, and removed press censorship. Soon after…

India through the years – Part III

No discussion about the first 20 years of independent India can be complete without talking about B R Ambedkar – an economist and jurist who became more of a social…

India through the years

Part - V The mid-1970s presented interesting – or rather depressing – times for India. It was interesting because the country had won a war and Indira Gandhi was comfortably…

Part IV – India through the years

Just before 1970, there emerged two factions in the Indian National Congress: Congress (Organisation) that some senior leaders were spearheading; and, Congress (Requisitionist) that PM Indira Gandhi formed. Congress (O)…

Godse’s India

The ethereal beauty of the Kashmir valley is being assaulted by the ugliness of Indian depredations on human rights and international law fronts in the disputed territory. The disputed status…

India and rising heatwaves

In March 2022, reported record temperatures in India made this the hottest year in the 122 years since records began. The world has seen heatwaves in the past, but human-made…

Indian secularism and Islamophobia

India pretends to the world that it is a socialist, secular and democratic republic. These great but equally elusive ideals were added to the preamble of the Constitution of India…