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End of ideology

THE Islamic Republic of Pakistan is the world’s second-largest Muslim-majority state and the self-declared fortress of Islam. It has the world’s largest network of religious institutions and seminaries. Yet, it…

Balochistan’s youth in focus

IF we want to feel the pulse of Balochistan, we need to listen to the Baloch youth. Nothing else can tell us more about the political, ideological and social transformation…

Mired in extremism

THE clumsy uproar of a religious group on filmmaker Sarmad Khoosat’s film Zindagi Tamasha and an appeasing response by the government reveal only a part of the extremism problem facing Pakistani state…

The crisis within

The national security of a country is not at risk only when its borders are not safe or when it does not have significant defensive capability against a powerful enemy…

Beyond the India gambit

China, with its rapid economic growth and expanding influence, has emerged as the primary focus of American foreign policy in recent years. Consequently, Washington has increasingly sought a strategic partnership…

China, the neighbour: ‘In a way’

What did Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar mean when, during a press conference in London, he clearly listed Pakistan’s immediate neighbouring countries as Afghanistan, Iran and India, but then said that…

Existential threat

As the country gears up for the general elections in February, formidable internal and external challenges await the new government to be voted into power. Internally, besides the restoration of…

The implications of depopulating Gaza

In December 1987 after two decades of humiliation, oppression, and continued life under occupation, Palestinians began a series of protests that ended up becoming what is today referred to as…

The BRF vision

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Conceived initially as One Belt One Road, its subsequent expansion across diverse regions led to its rebranding…

The missing ingredients in Pakistan

Since the 18thCentury, one country after another has experienced what Harvard economist Rostow called a “take off into sustained growth”. Rostow stated that, every once in a while, something happens…