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In Honour’s Name

In honour’s name

A recent report by the HRCP reveals harrowing statistics on honour-related murders in Pakistan. It estimated that in the last three years alone, some 2,300 women have been killed in…

Crime Of Extra-judicial Killing

Crime of extra-judicial killing

Last Wednesday, this paper carried an editorial on staged encounters and lamented the fact that the “deaths of suspects in police shoot-outs are an acceptable part of routine life today”.…

Our Distorted Sense Of ‘honour’

Our distorted sense of ‘honour’

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s documentary has spurred a debate, with many Pakistanis expressing their opinion regarding the depiction of the country by Chinoy. Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is a Pakistani-Canadian national who completed her…

Devaluing ‘honour’

Devaluing ‘honour’

The 2016 Amendment to Offences in the Name/ Pretext of Honour Act has had mixed reactions. Some celebrate the reforms while others consider these to be a mere ‘smokescreen’. For…

Honour & Deviance

Honour & deviance

You either stay in your sanitised comfort zone, or you step out and get inured to contempt for women. Some events, though, still leave an imprint. Like the time the local…

In The Name Of Honour

In the name of honour

A few days ago, a tragic incident in Sahiwal shook the entire city, when a man killed two of his sisters in the name of honour. The accused, Muhammad Asif,…

Murder, Not Honour

Murder, not honour

Another Oscar nod for Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy; another moment of introspection for Pakistan. Four years ago, Chinoy’s award-winning documentary on acid attacks inspired parliamentary and media debate on the issue…

A Different Honour

A different honour

Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy’s record second win at the Oscars for her short documentary A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness is proof that lightning can actually strike twice.…

The Dishonour Of Compromise

The dishonour of compromise

It is ironic how one has to describe a crime of the worst kind with a word like ‘honour’. Thus when Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif says “there’s no honour in…

Who Is Killing Us?

Who is killing us?

Elsewhere grief unites. Here it divides. Sorrow makes nations reflective. Here it breeds more conflict. When flags fly half-mast, those in power bow their heads in shame. In Pakistan, it…