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Assessing Global Risks

Assessing global risks

Three days of intense discussion at last week’s meeting of the World Economic Forum provided diverse perspectives on global trends and ended in a call for coordinated solutions to the…

Global Offshore Money Maze

Global offshore money maze

All responsible governments in recent years have shown commitment to retrieving looted money by their citizens, but in Pakistan the PPP-led government during its five-year-tenure (2008-2013) acted as the main…

New Global ‘intifada’

New global ‘intifada’

It is hardly a coincidence that after a decade of a purposeless ‘war on terror’ to avenge the equally senseless 9/11 terrorist attack, the world is waking up to its…

The challenges ahead

IT has been a year that one would like to forget. It has been a year of political turmoil, worsening economic crises and the return of terrorism. The perpetual state…

Terror nexus in Afghanistan

THE attack on the Pakistan embassy in Kabul last week raises questions about the Taliban administration’s capacity and resolve to fight terrorist groups operating from Afghan soil. The shooting that…

Return to the dark ages

IT is a year since the Taliban stormed Kabul to retake control of Afghanistan some two decades after the conservative Islamic regime was routed by American forces following the events of 9/11.…

Fighting terrorism

COMPREHENDING the nature of a terrorist threat is essential for countering or physically eliminating it, as well as for preventing its recurrence. A terrorist threat comes from a complex system…

An unfortunate error

In a surprise move, the Chinese government opted to leave out Pakistan from a major global event on development – the High Level Dialogue on Global Development – that it…

Pakistan and FATF mandate

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) released the Report on the State of Effectiveness and Compliance with the FATF Standards in April 2022. This report contains a comprehensive overview of…