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Myths about taxation

Do our esteemed finance minister, prime minister, policymakers at the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), and economic managers know why the tax-to-GDP ratio is significantly higher in developed countries compared…

Global conflicts, economic uncertainties

2024 emerged as a comparatively optimistic period in contrast to the challenging preceding years marked by Covid-19 pandemic. In its aftermath, global economy faced significant upheavals, with numerous businesses shutting…

Withholding tax system: automation

The economic topography of nations depends heavily on a robust revenue system, akin to the lifeblood sustaining its various functions. Diverse revenue streams, characterizing global economies with “tax revenue”, are…

Equitable taxation

The concept of taxation has deep historical roots, dating back to the governance of Greek city-states, where elected governments were entrusted with managing the welfare of citizens. The Greeks utilized…

Determining fair income tax base

According to the latest data available on the website of Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), as on December 31, 2023, total number of SIMs issued was 189 million (78.93% mobile teledensity);…

What should the tax policy be in 2024?

There is an ongoing debate regarding the preferable size of government – big or small? ‘Big government’ is a political concept where the government plays a predominant role in social…

Global economic outlook 2024

By unlocking big, bold investments, we can drive sustainable development and climate action and put the global economy on a stronger growth path for all. We must build on the…