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Remembering Rooplo Kolhi

In Pakistan, history textbooks are not inclusive in the sense that they seldom mention non-Muslim freedom fighters. It seems that the writers of the books the country’s education departments approve…

Hope for the future

The unique feature of yesterday’s election was the contesting parties’ heavy reliance on digital platforms. Be it instant messaging apps or social networking forums, it seems that the real battle…

Why Erdogan is right about Hamas

Why do you think Genocide Joe – POTUS’s new nickname advocated by American Muslim champions of the Abandon Biden campaign ahead of the US election – rushed a Treasury under-…

Only Gaza will decide about its future

Now is the time, with a four-day truce in place, to listen to the resistance in Gaza about a solution to the conflict instead of imposing one on them from…

Cremation of tolerant India—I

For a very long time, India has mischievously hoodwinked the world regarding its perception. To the global audience, since 1947, when Pakistan was carved out as a ‘Muslim State’, India…

A perpetual identity crisis ( Part – II)

Indian scholar Homi K Bhabha’s analysis of ‘mimicry’ seems more realistic. The argument that mimicry has an element of menace that disrupts the authority is also true. All leaders who…

The war of liberation

What should we make of the War of Liberation of 1857 whose 166th anniversary is today – May 10? Looked at from the side of the freedom fighters it is…

Fatwas don’t work with terrorists

Pakistan’s establishment understands only too well why fatwas (religious edicts) against terrorism never work with terrorists. Its ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) partnered with America’s CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) to create the…