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Need For Financial Reporting Council

Need for financial reporting council

There is dire need to establish Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in Pakistan as an autonomous regulator to promote corporate governance and reporting to safeguard the interest of all stakeholders. The…

The Crime-politics Axis

The crime-politics axis

The top MQM leadership is in thick soup these days. While the startling statements made by the party’s self-confessed ex-hit man Saulat Mirza, the MQM seems to be knee-deep in…

The Politics Of Crime

The politics of crime

Pakistan's justice system - the investigation branch (police/rangers), state prosecutors and the judiciary - has dealt with hundreds of thousands of cases of corruption and nepotism but no more than…

Economic Crimes: A Truly Global Threat

Economic crimes: a truly global threat

As we work to recover from a financial meltdown and near economic collapse the threat posed by economic crime is fresh in the air. These crimes emerge as a result…

Financial Inclusion And Poverty

Financial inclusion and poverty

Private investment in Pakistan is low. What are the factors behind such a low rate of private investment? One doesn’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out the…

White Collar Crimes

White collar crimes

The National Accountability Bureau Ordinance (NABO) under Section 5 describes a "public office holder' as an individual holding, or have held, an office or post in the service of Pakistan…

Organised Crime Helps Promote Terrorism

Organised crime helps promote terrorism

A woeful decline in the political order, deteriorating economic conditions and expanding underground economies have created conditions for profitable activity outside the legal framework in Pakistan. Organised criminal groups having…

Crimean ‘Anschluss’

Crimean ‘Anschluss’

The year 2014 was all set to be the year of Afghanistan and its impact on the stability of Pakistan and the region. However, for the time being at least,…