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Right, wrong & left

LAST Sunday, the state election in Thuringia for the first time propelled an extreme right-wing party to pole position anywhere in Germany since the end of the Nazi era 90…

Women and change

WITH their unwavering courage, Pakistani women have been challenging the odds and reshaping the country’s social and political landscape. Their increasing participation in political and rights movements, a testament to…

Rising trend of bigotry

FOR long, religiously motivated bigotry has assumed a dangerous form in Pakistan, and countering it has never been a genuine priority for the state despite its hollow claims to the…

Beyond legal status

WHAT is citizenship good for? I’ve been thinking about this while listening to the BBC podcast “I am not a monster” about Shamima Begum. You may remember her described as…

Women & militancy

THE ‘war on terror’ radically transformed the affected countries. Religious, sectarian and ethnic conflicts led to the collapse of social cohesion. In conflicts, women suffer the most, directly and indirectly.…

Paths to doom

AFTER years of slow decay, states that are nearing doom see a tipping point and a point of no return when their descent into the abyss hastens and is hard…

TTP’s mentors

WITH the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan back in the killing business with renewed ferocity, it is time we took a look at its ideological moorings. In a nutshell, like the communist parties…

A state in chaos

WITH Pakistanis in a ride combining a super-fast roller coaster and a merry-go-round, one cannot resist asking how this cursed nation ended up here. It has faced massive problems since…

The rule of law

LIFE in developed countries pivots around the rule of law. Every citizen is subjected to the same laws, and no one is above the law. However, despite full consensus on…

Stop facilitation

IN counterterrorism (CT), ‘facilitation’ is much talked about, but the community’s role in discouraging facilitation and successfully investigating it are least understood. Milita­ncy-infested societies may have hundreds of facilitators, but…