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Navigating economic diplomacy-II

Some scholars argue that investment treaties were signed by developing countries not because they expected any substantial benefits or were somehow pressured into signing them by the developed countries, but…

Revenue at the expense of growth

There is a perception among people that the IMF guidelines provided for the preparation of the FY25 budget are more prone to enhancing revenues through heavy taxation than to GDP…

Global conflicts, economic uncertainties

2024 emerged as a comparatively optimistic period in contrast to the challenging preceding years marked by Covid-19 pandemic. In its aftermath, global economy faced significant upheavals, with numerous businesses shutting…

Documentation for economic prosperity

Upon assuming office for the second time, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has undertaken the critical responsibility of steering Pakistan through its prevailing challenges. Addressing attendees at the Tax Excellence Award…

Claims of economic improvement

The narrative of the stakeholders today is that there has been a noticeable uptick in various macroeconomic indicators – those that relate to the productive sectors (agriculture, industry), those that…