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Important global economic challenges

Decades of neoliberal assault of advocating greater market fundamentalism, and lesser government regulation produced a global financial and economic order with serious resilience, and equity issues, which were glaringly exposed,…

Pakistan: grave economic distress

On 26 January 2023 inanely shackling the dollar to what was nothing but wishful thinking ended and the interbank rate has been rising ever since - a policy decision in…

Another economic disas-Dar

The Sharifs of London have miscalculated badly, but the costs of the miscalculation and the disas-Dar being unleashed on the economy are not going to be borne by them. Nor…

An economic forecast

The economic problems Pakistan faces right now are similar to what the PTI had faced. In 2019, with low foreign exchange reserves and high deficits, the PTI government had failed…

An economic crisis

Pakistan is undoubtedly facing an economic crisis of gigantic proportions caused by the gross mishandling of the economy by successive elected and military governments over the past several decades. These…