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Traffic Conundrum

Traffic conundrum

What one observes the most when landing in another country for the first time is the traffic on its roads. Road traffic reveals much about public behaviour and how the…

State, Society And Citizens

State, society and citizens

The question of what makes a society has been asked by philosophers, political scientists and academics over many years. What we ask today is in some ways simpler. Are we…

Handling black holes

MY eyesight is fading. I can no longer see a future in the ballot paper. Electoral symbols to me now are as indecipherable as hieroglyphics. That is why on Oct…

QAU’s land is PTI’s litmus test

PAKISTAN’S powerful political class has used all possible means, extreme violence included, to enhance its personal wealth and interests. Theft of public lands must therefore count among relatively minor sins.…

Germany Shows The Way

Germany shows the way

All European cities somehow look familiar and identical to me. Berlin is no exception. Like any other great old European metropolis, the German capital is a heady blend of the…

Land Grab At QAU — Again

Land grab at QAU — again

On the campus of Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU) — Pakistan’s premier public university — stands a large, ornate palace with manicured lawns and parked SUVs, protected by menacing guards and dogs.…

Making India Beg For Its Own Money

Making India beg for its own money

Narendra Modi’s arbitrary and unprecedented trashing of 86 percent of high denomination notes has not just brought the world’s fastest growing economy to a grinding halt, it has also landed…

Economy: Have We Turned The Corner?

Economy: Have we turned the corner?

The Accountant tells us we have arrived. Macroeconomic stability reached, next stop 'high growth trajectory'. An august assemblage of experts, our IMF Sherpa included, concurs. So who are the lesser…

Economy’s Woes

Economy’s woes

During the first quarter of the current financial year, the foreign direct investment (FDI) witnessed a sharp decline of 24% hitting the lowest FDI level in a decade. What is…