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Pakistan needs a new political party

For the first time ever, many of us are not just apprehensive but frightened about the future of Pakistan. Daily survival is getting harder and harder for our people, our…

Myths about taxation

Do our esteemed finance minister, prime minister, policymakers at the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), and economic managers know why the tax-to-GDP ratio is significantly higher in developed countries compared…

Beyond resilience

Many political commentators classify Pakistani society as an extremely resilient one. We have fought for democracy time after time – unlike nations in the Middle East such as Libya, Egypt…

The powerful four

The PML-N and the PPP have taken the right step by aligning together to form the next government. Though there are allegations of stolen mandate from the PTI, it appears…

A courageous voice

Many of us keep lamenting that journalists of yore were much more courageous, fighting against dictatorships and rebelling against all sorts of censorships imposed on this nation. This disappointment goes…

The land where time stands still

A few weeks ago, I was invited to a panel on the issue of harassment on university campuses. The audience comprised students, 20-something-year-old men and women, from various public universities…

Our economic potential

“LORD, we know what we are, but know not what we may be.” Shakespeare alludes to human potential which is always higher than its present condition. Allama Iqbal elaborated on…

The bounced cheque

THERE are some people who are born superheroes. Others have superhero-ship thrust upon them, once a particular robe and wig becomes theirs to wear. But there are yet others who…

Democracy beyond elections

Elections are an integral part of democracy. But even a free and fair election is not the only factor that makes a country a liberal democracy. In an essay published…

Caged justice and numbed brains

“Out of the huts of history’s shame, I rise./ Up from the past that’s rooted in pain, I rise./ I am a black ocean, leaping and wide,/ Welling and swelling…