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NAB And Corruption Debate – I

NAB and corruption debate – I

Pakistan has been facing a daunting challenge of curbing perpetual and growing corruption for the last many decades. The submission and resubmission of report on 6th and 13th July 201,…

The Non-issue Of Corruption

The non-issue of corruption

Pakistani politics is full of paradoxes. Political rhetoric doesn’t always match voting patterns, and ideologies that hold phenomenal street power do not often get electoral support. As an example, it…

Corruption As Empowerment?

Corruption as empowerment?

If India’s maverick psychologist and social critic Ashis Nandy had planned to ignite a potentially ugly controversy at the Jaipur Literary Festival, he couldn’t have done better than by insinuating…

Corruption In Other Places

Corruption in other places

Pakistan has a new prime minister and one can only hope he won’t be thrown out of office soon after on corruption charges. Watching Pakistan’s mangled politics from afar —…

‘Democratic’ ethnic cleansing

THE discourse on democracy in the West — in particular — is self-congratulatory, and other systems that have delivered hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, hunger, illness, illiteracy…

BB and the art of realpolitik

The political career of Benazir Bhutto, who was assassinated on December 27, 2007, was a saga of fluctuating fortunes. Twice she was voted to power (1988 and 1993) and twice…

BB and the art of realpolitik

The political career of Benazir Bhutto, who was assassinated on December 27, 2007, was a saga of fluctuating fortunes. Twice she was voted to power (1988 and 1993) and twice…