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Is this a democracy in decline?

The US is in crisis – not one but many. In case you are wondering, Trump did not create these crises; they were already there. He merely exploited them to…

The ‘change’ in Iran

There is a sense of deja vu when one looks at the victory of reformist Masoud Pezeshkian in the recent presidential election in Iran. In 2013, another reformist, Hassan Rouhani,…

Global climate chaos

Extreme weather events continue to manifest worldwide in various forms. A few days back, Toronto (Canada) experienced over 100 millimeters (about four inches) of rain, matching the average rainfall for…

China’s development, dividends for Pakistan

As both China and Pakistan are celebrating their 73rd Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, and keeping in view Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s successful visit to China in early…

Do we need a new party?

Does Pakistan need a new political party? The answer is a resounding YES. In fact, Pakistan has seldom needed new politics, and a new party, more than it does now.…

Chomsky: a savant nonpareil

There is much evil in the world today: globally, regionally, nationally, sub-nationally, and individually. There has, of course, always been evil in the world. Indeed, all creation myths, religious and…

Can China’s rise change the world order?

China’s phenomenal rise over the past four decades has radically transformed the global scenario geopolitically and economically, with far-reaching implications for the world’s security and economic wellbeing both at the…

Back to the cold war?

Does the tiff between the United States and China prefigure a return to the politics of the cold war era (1945-89), which divided the world into two hostile blocs for…

Can our cities survive the climate crisis?

“Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money.” This prophetic warning resonates…

The Thucydides trap reimagined

Chatham House defines geo-economics as “the use of economic tools to advance geopolitical objectives.” The Singapore Economic Forum defined the present era as the “age of geo-economics” in which public…