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Taliban, women and children

As the Taliban overtook Kabul and now-former president Ashraf Ghani fled the country, Afghanistan stands to face its most urgent humanitarian crisis in two decades. More than 80 percent of…

Educating all children

THAT basic (10-odd years) education has been declared a fundamental right of children and the fact that it is also considered a basic right in many countries and jurisdictions is…

Protecting children

Today, April 30, marks the International Day to End Corporal Punishment – bringing global attention to the widespread use of the most common form of violence against children. Around the…

Protecting childhood

CHILDHOOD is a precious, fleeting experience. As we navigate our way through the most extraordinary time in living memory, one of the most important things we can do is to…

Helping children learn

School closures in South Asia are threatening the futures of millions of children – and the most marginalized are paying the heaviest price. Governments must prioritize the safe reopening of…

Marriage in Islam

ALL parents desire to see the marriages of their children in their lifetime. Therefore, when their child (son or daughter) becomes an adult and reaches a marriageable age, they start…

The marriage age debate

THE new debate over the minimum marriage age for girls has revealed a massive regression in our society’s social thinking and the implications are truly alarming. Ninety years ago, a…

The Missing Rights Of The Child

The missing rights of the child

Children constitute 50 percent of Pakistan’s population but remain the most neglected segment of our society. Because they cannot vote, political parties do not promise to do much for them…

The War On Mothers And Children

The war on mothers and children

Last week, I noticed newspaper headlines about the rate at which newborn children die in Pakistan. The figures being cited were astonishing even for me. Having worked for the Alif…

Protecting Child Rights In Sindh

Protecting child rights in Sindh

Pakistan is one of those unfortunate countries where hundreds of thousands of children under the age of five years die each year. Only those of our children who are lucky…