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Missing the bigger picture

IN October, as cooler temperatures arrived and smog started to fill the skies across Punjab, the provincial government rolled out the Roadmap for Smog Mitigation in Punjab 2024-2025. However, this plan raises more…

Reform agenda

EXCEPT for the 92.97-metre javelin throw by our spirited lad from Mian Channu, Pakistan has been left behind the rest of the world, economically, technologically, and on all counts of…

Lessons from US

America and Pakistan are two totally different countries, and their democracies are very different breeds. Yet the recent US elections have some relevance, if not lessons, for Pakistan. The majority of Trump supporters were…

Smog and the city

The constitution of Pakistan is an emotionally stirring and beautiful read. Subservient to Allah’s sovereignty, it is a manifestation of the will of the people of Pakistan to establish an…

Punjab’s AQI crisis

The Punjab government routinely issues daily statements on the status of the smog in Lahore through various representatives, including politicians and provincial bureaucrats. These statements frequently contradict air quality indexes…

The tallest nail

Decades ago, when this scribe was a student of Botany, at the Government College, his ecology professor had noted “they imposed an engineering solution onto a biological/ecological problem”. He was…

Throwing the VPN baby out…

THOSE who govern us may have expertise in multiple areas, but their ability and propensity to score own goals seem without parallel. None of us will have to look too…

Choked by politics

IT is becoming harder and harder to find something new to write about as far as politics in Pakistan is concerned. The country is stuck in a time warp and…

IMF programme: lack of ingenuity?

The narrative led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb is that the economy has begun to show signs of improvement, reflected by a contracting current account…

Technology prevails

Technology; the strongest resource of our times, is grossly mis-understood in the Islamic World. While technology produces, science consumes resources. It is all about application and commercialization of scientific research…