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It’s a tech-powered world

In my previous articles, I have emphasized the importance for Pakistan to change tracks and focus on the manufacture and export of high-tech (high value-added) goods to improve its economy.…

Solar PV indigenization: strategy and scope

Solar energy is the energy of present and future. Pakistan is importing almost all of the solar equipment from abroad, mostly China. China is the production house of the world…

Emerging supply vulnerabilities

Rising tensions between the US and China over ‘spy balloons’ can lead to global supply chain shocks in the future. America’s inflated reaction over the balloon clearly indicates the divide…

An aging grid

In the early hours of January 23, the frequency at one of the 500 KV transmission systems in the south went up to 50.75 Hz, followed by severe voltage fluctuation…

Energy sector reforms — I

My previous op-ed, summed up Pakistan’s gas supply position vis-à-vis the current demand, prevailing geo-political context, international spot-market under which Pakistan functioned over the last 4 years and the much…

Clean and green

The world is experiencing unprecedented fuel price increases, energy blackmail between countries, up to 7 million air pollution deaths per year worldwide and one climate-related disaster after another. Critics contend…

India’s diplomatic success

“The Quartet will be a model for those who desire peace and prosperity and will provide evidence of the great opportunities lost through conflicts and squandered by blind extremism at…