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A lamp lit in the dark

The nation owes a collective vote of thanks to their lordships Justice Abid Aziz Sheikh and Justice Shahid Karim of the Lahore High Court for passing an order – a…

Revisiting Mohenjodaro

Revisiting Mohenjodaro

The Indus Valley Civilisation – which flourished on both banks of the Indus River from the Himalayas to the Arabian Sea – was revisited earlier this month through a three-day…

Unexplained wealth Dr Farrukh Saleem

Background: On May 12, David Cameron, the-then prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, hosted an Anti-Corruption Summit to “step up global action to expose,…

Jailed For Destroying Heritage

Jailed for Destroying Heritage

Last week, the International Criminal Court (ICC) sentenced Ahmad al-Mahdi of Mali to nine years’ imprisonment for his part in the destruction of heritage monuments in Timbuktu about four years…

Invigorating Fiscal Management – I

Invigorating fiscal management – I

Since the introduction of the 18th Constitutional Amendment, incorporated in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan ["the Constitution"] on April 10, 2010, fiscal management, both at federal and provincial…

Time Out Of Joint

Time out of joint

The obsession with women is evident in Friday sermons across the country, in the Council of Islamic Ideology’s fixation on regulating women’s bodies, in society’s vigilance of women and in…

Heritage Rights

Heritage rights

Childhood picnics in the Shalamar Gardens always turned into family history lessons. “Ali Mardan Khan, governor of Lahore requisitioned our ancestor’s land to build the gardens; the family was relocated…

Audit Report On Punjab Government Accounts

Audit report on Punjab government accounts

Report of the Auditor General of Pakistan on the Punjab government accounts for audit year 2013-14 make quite interesting, alarming as well as concerning reading to say the least. Besides…