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The Office Of Denial

The office of denial

There is a difference between a good and a bad finance minister: the former keeps his nation informed about the true state of the economy and prepares public opinion for…

Financial Tsunami

Financial tsunami

Political tsunami, as popularised by Imran Khan, is now well-known in Pakistan. What is not known is ‘financial tsunami’, which has struck Pakistani shores in the last two weeks. This…

Foreign Investment

Foreign investment

Four features of Finance Minister P Chidambaram’s budget stand out. First, thanks to its obsession with reducing the fiscal deficit, the budget fails to raise social-sector expenditure – just when…

Limits Of Strategy

Limits of strategy

The government can influence the growth rate primarily by providing an adequate physical and social infrastructure and creating the policy and institutional environment for privatesector investment. The reasons for the…

Enemies Within

Enemies within

The single most important factor that determines the fate of a nation and its state of socio-economic development is education. It is the scientists and engineers that are changing the…

Emerging Economies

Emerging economies

Since long, Pakistan is locked up in a situation of economic volatility, infrastructural deficit, financial disaster in public sector entities and growing poverty. Reformatory policies undertaken by different sectors of…

Reko Diq: Technical Knockout?

Reko Diq: technical knockout?

The honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan has finally declared the award of Reko Diq copper project's lease to a foreign joint venture Tethyan as illegal. This almost seals the fate…

The Orphan Economy

The orphan economy

There are at least six different parties and groups giving their own views about the state of the economy and the required direction of policies, and their viewpoints differ drastically…

18th Amendment – Fallacious Argument

18th Amendment – fallacious argument

Pakistan has a democratic government? There is no need to talk about this anymore. That devolution has taken place as a result of the 18th Amendment to the constitution. Please…