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Public Safety

Public safety

Having obtained consensus from all the political parties for a dialogue with those terrorists who are misusing religion as a platform, the Sharif government turned its attention to the militant-infested…

Sell-off Of PSM

Sell-off of PSM

Pakistan Steel Mills, known to be the country's largest industrial unit incorporated in 1968 at a total cost of Rs 24.7 billion, with an annual designed production capacity of 1.1…

Choking Funds To Suppress Dissent

Choking funds to suppress dissent

Perhaps no other country has as complex a maze of laws and rules – that give arbitrary powers to the state – as India. And no other state has abused…

Safeguarding Democracy

Safeguarding democracy

Recently, the Election Commission of Pakistan appointed certain retired district and session judges as election tribunals. They have been taken out of retirement, on contract basis, for one year. Their…

Agenda For The Nation 2013 And Beyond-II

Agenda for the nation 2013 and beyond-II

What is the real nature and extent of the domestic crisis? Let me try to highlight some of its major dimensions. First and foremost, it is a 'crisis of legitimacy'.…

The Other Half Of Murder

The other half of murder

Could death be a half-truth? This question is obviously a killer`s last hope and best alibi. There is enough truth in that great genre of mystery fiction to suggest that…