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Aristocratising Discourse

Aristocratising discourse

The so-called scholarly works are often presented in such inaccessible idiom that most readers hardly benefit from them. No doubt, certain complex issues require complex theoretical formulations and professional sophistication.…

FX & Gold Weekly Outlook

FX & Gold Weekly Outlook

This week, the news of expansion in Euro-zone firewall from Euro 440 billion to Euro 700 billion will help increase the firepower of European currency. It will reinforce Greece and…

Alas, It Was A Rumour

Alas, it was a rumour

When the recently deceased astronaut Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, the first thing he heard was the azaan. And later when he returned to mother earth, the first thing…

Breaking Free From The Quicksand

Breaking free from the quicksand

It is said that whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. With each passing day the Zardari administration grows more rash and reckless in the absence of…

Egypt Polarised In Post-Mubarak Referendum

Egypt polarised in post-Mubarak referendum

After weeks of protests, Cairo appeared relatively peaceful on Saturday, as Egyptians queued silently outside polling stations in the first round of voting in a referendum designed to sanction a…

Trading In Kashmir

Trading in Kashmir

AFTER the ceasefire in Kashmir on Jan 1, 1949, a simple rahdari permit system was devised for travel to Azad Kashmir but it was discarded a few years later. The…

Technology, Ideology & Cities

Technology, ideology & cities

In 1947, when the Electronic Number Integrator and Computer, one of the first-ever computers, began its operations as a calculator of artillery firing tables for the US Army’s Ballistics Research…

The Afghan Quagmire

The Afghan quagmire

There are three possible scenarios of what could unfold in Afghanistan. The first scenario is more military escalation by a troop surge being proposed by General Stanley McChrystal, the commander…

Will The NCHR Deliver?

Will the NCHR deliver?

The long struggle to adopt a law for the creation of a state commission for human rights reached a successful conclusion recently when the president signed the National Commission for…