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Caught in the Executive web, the Judiciary struggles to enforce justice! At first one bemoaned the fact that the Government of PM Gilani (with Zardari allegedly calling all the shots)…

A Bad Day For Pakistan

A bad day for Pakistan

Three very disconcerting developments surfaced on Friday, September 18, 2009. First, President Asif Zardari was out on one of his foreign visits, telling all who might be willing to listen…

Dangerous Waters

Dangerous waters

Germany is having to invest half a million euros on controlling the re-release of a book that proved itself to be of immense danger: Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. The first…

Bribes For Foreigners

Bribes for foreigners

“EACH of you, in doing what you did, helped secure an important contract which benefited, financially, society as a whole; but the ends never justify the means,” an English judge…

Three Strikes & He Are Out?

Three strikes & he are out?

ASIF is batting on two strikes. Another swing and a miss, and he are going home. The first strike was the bizarre, abortive handover of the ISI to Rehman Malik.

The Coming Conflagration

The coming conflagration

But first to Gen Stanley McChrystal who was always quite a favourite with me if only because he understood that if innocent lives were lost in the struggle against terrorism…

Democracy And Dictatorship

Democracy and dictatorship

Our rulers still firmly believe that “the worst democracy is better than the best dictatorship.” But ground realities are different. There have been examples in recent times where dictators have…

Improving Primary Education

Improving primary education

While in Pushtoon Garhi to distribute supplies for school children, the Khushaal Pakistan team came across a novel model for primary education: low-profit private schools. The schools charged Rs100/student/month and…

For Peace To Prevail

For peace to prevail

Instead of saying “it is good to see you”, those returning to swat greet their near and dear ones exclaiming, “It’s good to see you Alive”. Although it hasn’t been…